Monday, January 22, 2007

How about "We don't feel like answering stupid questions, Condi"?

U.S. Tries to Interpret China’s Silence Over Test - New York Times
Are we headed to a new form of Kremlinology, where we think ourselves into knots because our enemies (and the neutral parties and even our allies), because they're not like we are, can't be expected to react at least as irrationally as we do or in the same way. Not being a diplomat, I can't say.
Will it lead to decades of overestimation of the Chinese or Iranian or Elbonian threat? Likely.
Does this bother those positioned to make money off the inevitable government contracts? Not at all. See War is a Racket by Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler, USMC, the proceedings of the Truman Commission, etc. ad naseum.

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