Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The "World's Smallest Political Quiz"

The Advocates for Self-Government (a self-proclaimed non-profit, non-partisan libertarian educational organization) has what it's calling the world's smallest political quiz, and while the current crop of Republicans' quiz could be constructed in a single question--"Will you drink the kool-aid?"--five personal and five economic ain't that bad. In the single-point anecdotal data of my own results, it seemed accurate.
Ja, ja, left of center, high on the personal side, low on the economic, verry interrestiing. Describe in single words only the good things that come into your mind about... your mother. Ten points to the first to respond with the movie referenced in the previous line. Redeemable wherever PiercePointsTM are accepted.)
Then again, it seems that political revelation is in the air. Just before the election, an acquaintance who routinely tossed her votes away on Republican candidates when she lived in Pulaski County, Ark., for several years said the Bush lies on Iraq, the economy, etc. were going to force her to vote for John Kerry; lately, my best friend, who enlisted in the Ark. National Guard at 32 , basically said, "Wait a minute! I'm a Teddy Rooservelt Republican! What the nether hell am I doing supporting this bunch of thieves?" These aren't complete reversals, or even that much of a movement toward sanity (both still blame Clinton for everything from psoriasis to heartbreak), but rather an epiphany that the current White House gang and its enablers, facilitators and funders couldn't care less about them (and the "them in this case is those making less than a cool 10 million a year). Most on my side of things are wondering "where have they been", but we have our own blind spots, so do be hatin'.

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