Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Time to make stepladders out of some bones

The Rude Pundit
The Rude Pundit hits the nail on the proverbial head here. Too many times oppositions have tried to imitate or emulate the powerful in an attempt to draw support. But coming alongside is not the path to victory&emdash;you gotta get the hell out in front of people and lead, say clearly "Here is where I stand, here is what I'm for, here is how I want to help you," stop trying to be liked and start trying to be right.
Another thing it's clearly time to do is to stop surrendering the initiative and the very language of debate to the other side. We must fearlessly call the powerful when they try to smear and elide over facts with spin, we must stop trying to play the balancing game and start recognizing that a lie and a lie a thousand time worse than the first are NOT equal. Hiding behind the disingenuous stance that both sides lie only lets those willing to tell the biggest lie rape you.

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