Thursday, July 07, 2005

Saving Fundamentalists from Fundamentalism

Read David James Duncan's "What Fundamentalists Need for Their Salvation". All of it.

I should confess, I almost never read past the jump on a Web page. If it doesn't have a printer-friendly or single-page version (or, in my geekier moments, succumb to disabling style sheets), I don't go past page one, if I even make it to the bottom. I have a much softer heart for those who respect my time and convenience But this is worth reading past the jump, and the first two sentences of the second page is among those I have most identified with in at least a year, maybe five.
Each of these crusader groups has seen itself as fighting to make its own or some other culture "more Christian" even as it tramples the teachings of Christ into a blood-soaked earth. The result, among millions of non-fundamentalists, has been revulsion toward anything that chooses to call itself "Christian."

For expressing a single thought each, as all good sentences do, they encapsulate much of the despair I have felt as good Christians, like my mom, get thrown in with Dobson et al.
Everyone, of every faith, even the faithless and the faith-averse, should read this. Even if you don't subscribe to Christian belief, allowing a dangerous group to usurp its words and its power can not but bring suffering into the world.

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